Get Prepared!
A new academic year is here, check out important Dates to Remember.

Updated: August 19, 2024
Job Opportunities
New position(s) posted! Find an exciting opportunity at UnBQ today.

Updated: September 18, 2024
Family Group Conferencing
Develop your skills for facilitating restorative circles with families. Registration for the next FGC November 12-14 is now open.

Posted: July 1, 2024
UnBQ Media Program
Check out our new Indigenous Media Program website!

Posted: June 4, 2024
mâcîhtâtân Entrance Program
mâcîhtâtân Entrance Program, now open for Fall Enrolment.

Posted: May 1, 2024
*Spirit Whisperers*
A new book, addressing the grief and healing for those affected by the loss of a loved one to suicide. Purchase through the bookstore or contact Anita @ 780-645-4455 x105
Updated: May 01, 2024
Blue Quills – 50 Years
Check out the new Blue Quills Documentary Trailer
UnBQ IRS Statements
UnBQ Statements and documents about the Continued Legacy of Indian Residential Schools and UnBQ's search for unmarked burial sites.
*UPDATED April 2023
Robert Munsch!
Robert Munsch now in nehiyawewin and Dene available in the BQ Store!